Quicktabs: Citation List
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- "The Arctic Is Now: Economic and National Security in the Last Frontier."
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- "Law of the Sea Perspectives on Climate Change."
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- "Scramble for the Arctic: Layered Sovereignty, UNCLOS, and Competing Maritime Territorial Claims."
- "Commentary in Reply to “Is it Time for the United States to Join the Law of the Sea Convention”."
- "The Persisting Problem of Non-compliance with the Law of the Sea Convention: Disorder in the Oceans."
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- "The Time is Now: The United States Needs to Accede to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to Exert Influence over the Competing Claims in the South China Sea."
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- "Old laws for new risks at sea: mineral resources, climate change, sea lanes, and cables."
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- "The Growing Threat of Maritime Conflict."
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- "UNCLOS and the Balance of Environmental and Economic Resources in the Arctic."
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- "Security Challenges in the 21st Century Global Commons."
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- "The U.S.-China Incidents at Sea Agreement: A Recipe for Disaster."
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- "Is it Time for the United States to Join the Law of the Sea Convention."
- "A Response to Cartner’s and Gold’s Commentary on “Is it Time for the United States to Join the Law of the Sea Convention?”."
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- "The Vulnerability of Subsea Infrastructure to Underwater Attack: Legal Shortcomings and the Way Forward."
- "Freezing to Heat the Future: Streamlining the Planning and Monitoring of Arctic Hydrocarbon Development."
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- "New Marine Resource Opportunities, Fresh Challenges."
- "Time for the United States to Join the Party? Prospects for US Ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea."
- "The Implications of Ice Melt on Arctic Security."
- "Signaling and Military Provocation in Chinese National Security Strategy: A Closer Look at the Impeccable Incident."
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- "The Uncharted Waters of Cyberspace: Applying the Principles of International Maritime Law to the Problem of Cybersecurity."
- "Spatialis Liberum."
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- "Who Gets the Oil?: Arctic Energy Exploration in Uncertain Waters and the Need for Universal Ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea."
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- "Mineral Resources of Stateless Space: Lessons from the Deep Seabed."
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- "UNCLOS Needed for America's Security."
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- "Implications of Global Warming on State Sovereignty and Arctic Resources under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: How the Arctic is no Longer Communis Omnium Naturali Jure."
- "What Lies Beneath: The CLCS and the Race to Lay Claim over the Arctic Seabed."
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- "A Note on the United States and the Law of the Sea: Looking Back and Moving Forward."
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- "National Security Implications in the Global War on Terrorism of the United States Accession to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea."
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- "Grasping the Influence of Law on Sea Power."
- "UNCLOS and the Balance of Environmental and Economic Resources in the Arctic."
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- "Article 82 of the LOS Convention—Revenue Sharing—The Mining Industry’s Perspective."
- "UNCLOS Key to Increasing Navigational Freedom."
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- "Security Challenges in the 21st Century Global Commons."
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- "The United States, the Law of the Sea Convention, and Freedom of Navigation."
- "U.S. Policy and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea."
- "The United States and the Law of the Sea Convention: U.S. Views on the Settlement of International Law Disputes in International Tribunals and U.S. Courts."
- "National Security and the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea: U.S. Coast Guard Perspectives."
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- "Is it Time for the United States to Join the Law of the Sea Convention."
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- Balancing U.S. Interests in the UN Law of the Sea Convention. Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University: Durham, NC, October 2007 (8p).
- "The Senate should give immediate advice and consent to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: why the critics are wrong.."
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- "U.S. Membership in UNCLOS: What Effects for the Marine Environment?."
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- "All Conservatives should Oppose UNCLOS."
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- "Curbing International Overfishing and the Need for Widespread Ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea."
- "International Law of the Sea/Seed: Public Domain versus Private Commodity."
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- "UNCLOS Mythbusters."
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- "Don't be Left out in the Cold: An Argument for Advancing American Interests in the Arctic Outside the Ambits of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea."
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- "Who Gets the Oil?: Arctic Energy Exploration in Uncertain Waters and the Need for Universal Ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea."
- "American Security and Law of the Sea."
- "Putting a Mine on the Moon: Creating an International Authority to Regulate Mining Rights in Outer Space."
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- "Preserving Freedom of Navigation: U.S. Lessons for the International Community."
- "United States Convention on the Law of the Sea: Time for a U.S. Reevaluation?."
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- "National Security: Customary international law and the Convention on the Law of the Sea."