Support for UNCLOS ratification has an almost unheard of unanimity across agencies, parties, and administrations
But don’t just take it from me. What’s far more important is that UNCLOS ratification is supported by:
- The current President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and the heads of the U.S. Maritime Services: Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard
- All their living predecessors, from Republican and Democratic administrations alike26
On how many issues does one witness this sort of unanimity across parties, agencies, and time? These people are true experts: not just on theory, but on how things play out in policy practice. There is a compelling reason for their unanimity: U.S. UNCLOS ratification is a great idea whose time has more than come.
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A broad, bipartisan consensus supports U.S. ratification of the Law of the Sea Convention, and has consistently argued on its behalf for the past 30 years. This coalition includes high-level officials from the past six administrations and backing by all Presidents since Clinton. It also includes a range of senior defense officials including every Chief of Naval Operations.
Related Quotes:- Broad consensus of groups with maritime interests support ratification of UNCLOS
- Overwhelming consensus of experts and officials is in favor of ratifying convention
- Multiple U.S. administrations have continually supported ratification of UNCLOS to preserve freedom of navigation
- Successive commissions have argued strongly for US ratification of UNCLOS
- ... and 23 more quote(s)