U.S. has good reasons for its limited attention to Arctic politics to date
There are several reasons for the limited U.S. attention to the Arctic region. First, the situation in the Asia Pacific and some of the world’s hot spots are regarded as a more imminent security concerns. Second, the current U.S. deficit makes increased spending in regions that do not pose an immediate threat unlikely. Third, the United States will avoid provoking Russia - and Canada. Finally, the prospects of being self sufficient of oil within 2017, due to the increased ability to exploit huge reserves of unconventional shale gas, make the Arctic of less economic interest for the United States.57 At the same time as the United States limits its efforts in the Arctic, it has stated that it “will continue to lead global efforts with capable allies and partners to assure access to and use of the global commons, both by strengthening international norms and by maintaining relevant and interoperable capabilities”.58 The Commons serve as a key enabler of the U.S. military and its ability to project power globally, which is vital to the U.S interest of sustaining global leadership.