U.S. ratification of UNCLOS would signal willingness to abide by multilateral framework in Arctic
Ratify and put into full force the UNCLOS Treaty. This is a key first step to provide the international legal baseline and credibility for further U.S. actions in the region. While not essential to partnership, accession nonetheless demonstrates U.S. will- ingness to operate in a cooperative rather than a unilateral manner within the international arena. Through UNCLOS, the United States will gain international recognition of exclusive rights over an additional 300,000 square miles of undersea territory along with the expected potential for lucrative hydrocarbon and mineral resources therein. Accession will also secure the United States a strong position to shape and influence the region for the preser- vation of its vital interests.
The Arctic: A New Partnership Paradigm or the Next "Cold War"? ." Joint Force Quarterly. Vol. 62, No. 3 (July 2011): 117-124. [ More (4 quotes) ]