Over a hundred excessive claims currently, some of which are directly complicating counter narcotics operations
We will stabilize the outer permissible limit of the territorial sea of other nations at 12 nautical miles." We will gain the leverage to combat effectively excessive territorial sea claims and other excessive claims. At present, there are over a hundred excessive claims throughout the world.' These are notjust rogue states making these claims. Many, including those pertaining to the continental shelf, are from friendly nations or nations with whom we need principled, cooperative relationships. Our status as a nonparty to the Law of the Sea Convention hobbles our efforts to address these claims in an effective manner.
Specifically, I point out the counternarcotics area. There are excessive territorial sea claims that cause significant operational impediments for us on a daily basis. Our status as a nonparty makes it difficult for us to achieve effective operational agreements with those nations that have claims of territorial seas of up to two hundred nautical miles.
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- Coastal states are increasingly challenging US freedom of navigation rights as it remains outside of the UNCLOS framework
- U.S. dealing with over 100 threats to our navigational freedoms that could be resolved under UNCLOS
- Currently, over 100 excessive and illegal claims threaten U.S. FON
- Over a hundred excessive claims currently, some of which are directly complicating counter narcotics operations
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The U.S. relies on maritime interdiction operations for homeland security, counter-piracy, and crime control. However, during bi-lateral negotiations, several nations have, in the past, questioned our authority to contest certain of their excessive maritime claims simply because we have yet to ratify the treaty. Becoming a party to the Convention will enhance our ability to conduct such interdiction operations and to refute excessive maritime claims.
Keywords:Related Quotes:- Remaining outside of UNCLOS regime restricts U.S. counter-piracy options
- US naval capacity to conduct maritime interdiction or intelligence operations at risk from excessive claims and lawfare
- U.S. absence from UNCLOS hurts our leadership consistency and encourages others to flout existing standards
- Over a hundred excessive claims currently, some of which are directly complicating counter narcotics operations
- U.S. ratification of UNCLOS would support U.S. rights to conduct maritime interdiction operations
- U.S. failure to ratify UNCLOS complicates U.S. efforts to get other nations to cooperate on anti-piracy initiatives
- U.S. ratification of UNCLOS is key to protecting existing counter-piracy operations
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