Continental Shelf Claims in the Arctic: Will Legal Procedure Survive the Growing Uncertainty?
"Continental Shelf Claims in the Arctic: Will Legal Procedure Survive the Growing Uncertainty?" — Timo Koivurova and Juha Käpylä and Harri Mikkola — ISN — August 20, 2015
The authors find that UNCLOS has been successful in making the Arctic one of the most peaceful regions on the planet, with "the potential for a major inter-state conflict in the Arctic has generally been regarded as quite low."
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UNCLOS represents the consensus of decades of debate on how best to govern shared ocean resources and to handle disputes over border conflicts. The Arctic nations have settled on UNCLOS, adopting it in their laws and subsequent agreements, and it forms the basis for governance of the Arctic region.
Keywords:Related Quotes:- Antarctica treaty is poor alternative to UNCLOS for resolving Arctic disputes because it was based on environmental protection, not resource exploitation
- Abandoning UNCLOS in Arctic would undermine all principles UNCLOS is based-on, encouraging non-diplomatic solutions to territorial disputes
- Law of the sea is an ideal framework for arctic governance
- U.S. needs to ratify UNCLOS to establish shared law in the Arctic to avoid conflict
- ... and 8 more quote(s)